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Duplicate Account Management FAQ

Duplicate Management is a powerful tool and there are a lot of ways to get it set up. Here are some common questions.

How do we get started configuring duplicate management?

A good place to start is to use the same set of matching and duplicate rules in both Staff View and Community Hub. Follow these steps:

  1. Enable Duplicate Services
  2. Configure Matching and Duplicate Account Rules Compatible with Community Hub
  3. Configure the Account Fields Used in Duplicate Account Management

Later on, you might want to spice it up by having different rules in Staff View compared to Community Hub.

Duplicate accounts are coming in via Community Hub even though we configured duplicate rules. Why aren't they getting blocked?

Community Hub prompts users with potential duplicates if any are found, though it still lets them ignore this prompt and create an account. Carefully consider if you want Community Hub to outright block a user from creating an account in Community Hub, since they are probably there to update profile information or make a purchase.

If the influx of duplicates is getting hard to manage, read our tips on how to Reduce Duplicate Accounts Coming from Community Hub.

Can we configure duplicate management only in Staff View?

Yes, you need to:

  1. Ensure that duplicate rules in Community Hub are disabled. Learn how duplicate account management in Community Hub is enabled and then make sure your org doesn't have those settings selected!
  2. Make sure all your active duplicate rules have conditions that only include staff users. Learn how to Configure Duplicate Rules to Apply to a Specific User Profile.
  3. Configure the Account Fields Used in Duplicate Account Management, focusing on the Staff View section.
Can we configure duplicate management only in Community Hub?

Yes, you need to:

  1. Enable Duplicate Services
  2. Configure Matching and Duplicate Account Rules Compatible with Community Hub
  3. Update the duplicate rule(s) you created in step 2 so it only includes Community Hub users. Learn how to Configure Duplicate Rules to Apply to a Specific User Profile
  4. Configure the Account Fields Used in Duplicate Account Management, focusing on the Community Hub section.
Can we choose between fuzzy and exact matching?

Yes, and much more. Read Duplicate Services Available in Community Hub to learn about your options.

We configured duplicate management but it isn't getting triggered or working as expected. How should I troubleshoot?

The problem could be happening in one of several areas. Check out our tips for Troubleshooting Duplicate Account Management.

I'm trying to merge duplicate person accounts but encounter the error: "Error querying account fields. Be sure that the Account object does not contain a custom field with the same API name as a packaged field."

Head over to Resolve Error When Querying Account Fields during Account Merging to learn how to resolve this.

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