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Troubleshoot Duplicate Account Management

Duplicate Management is very powerful, with many configuration options, but if it's not working the way you anticipate, it could be one of several things. This guide walks you through a methodical way to identify the problem.

Determine the Scope

First, it's important to Determine Which Duplicate Service Your Org is Using, since this affects the scope of where duplicate management should be working.

Once you know the duplicate service configured in your org, follow the troubleshooting steps for either DupeService/ContainsDupeService2 or for DatacloudDupeService

Troubleshoot DupeService and ContainsDupeService2

These duplicate management services work exclusively in Community Hub and they have limited matching capabilities. If you understand this limited scope and matching logic, and it's still not working:

  1. Review to steps to Enable Duplicate Services is correctly configured.
  2. Configure Account Fields. Specifically, ensure the field sets that "determine which person accounts are considered a duplicate" or that "determine which business accounts are considered a duplicate" are include the fields you want to match against.
  3. Ensure those fields are on the Community Hub forms so that constituents actually trigger the rules.

If that didn't resolve the problem, it's possible your org also has active duplicate rules in Staff View, which can conflict with Community Hub if they aren't configured correctly.

  1. Check Setup for any active duplicate rules

  2. If any are found, change their conditions to target staff users only. Learn how to Configure Duplicate Rules to Apply to a Specific User Profile.

Contact Nimble AMS Support if this didn't resolve the issue and we'll help you out.

Troubleshoot DatacloudDupeService

Since DatacloudDupeService uses Salesforce matching rules rules and duplicate rules, it helps to first ensure those work in Staff View before troubleshooting Community Hub.

Staff View

  1. If your duplicate rule targets Community Hub users only, temporarily change the conditions to also apply to your user (so you can troubleshoot in Staff View). You can use a field such as Current User: Email.
  2. Check your duplicate rule:
    1. Is it activated?
    2. Is it linked to the correct matching rule?
    3. Is it associated with Account when it should be associated to Person Account? or vice versa?
    4. Are the Actions configured correctly? Remember that an "Allow" doesn't block the creation of a duplicate.
    5. Is Record-Level Security set to Enforce sharing rules? If this is the issue, it's likely because the user who was able to circumvent the duplicate rule doesn't have access to the fields in the associated matching rule.
  3. Check your matching rule:
    1. Is it activated?
    2. Is it associated with Account when it should be associated to Person Account? or vice versa?
    3. Are you using a standard matching rule? Make sure you understand how standard matching rules work because they are more complex and tend to require several fields to match

If you still haven't found the problem, try configuring a very foolproof matching rule and duplicate rule:

  1. Temporarily change the duplicate rule with a condition that only applies to your user. You can use a field such as Current User: Email.
  2. Set the Edit action of your duplicate rule to Block.
  3. Create a very simple custom matching rule (such as an Exact Match on Casual Name), activate it, and associate it with your duplicate rule.
  4. Create a couple dummy accounts. Then edit one of the accounts to trigger the matching rule (such as setting them to the same Casual Name). Remember, to trigger the matching rule you have to edit the fields referenced in the matching rule; it isn't enough to edit an irrelevant field.

You should be blocked when editing the second dummy account. If not, contact Nimble AMS Support and we'll help you out.

If you did get the the duplicate rule to trigger, slowly backpedal through these steps, changing one configuration at a time to see where the logic stopped working.

Community Hub

Only try these steps after you have gotten your matching rule and duplicate rule to function in Staff View.

  1. Determine Which Duplicate Service Your Org is Using
  2. Configure Account Fields. Specifically, ensure the fields that "determine which person accounts are considered a duplicate" or that "determine which business accounts are considered a duplicate" are configured correctly. The fields used depend

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