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Release Channels

All customers are upgraded with the best of Nimble AMS three times a year, but some customers want more than that. They can't wait to get their hands on the very latest, so we offer two channels: the Preview Channel and the Generally Available Channel.

The Generally Available Channel

Also known as the GA Channel, the preview channel gets three major upgrades a year plus any additional emergency versions as needed. Customers in the GA channel enjoy the steadiness of few upgrades and get new features seasonally.

The Preview Channel

The Preview Channel offers customers the ability to have the newest features before anyone else. They are generally upgraded every two to three weeks and have the opportunity to try new things first. There is some risk on the preview channel because it is the cutting edge to mitigate this we rigorously test every Preview Channel Version before installing it into any customers orgs. For customers using Pilot Features, the preview channel is preferred because it allows them to receive bug fixes and improvements very quickly. If you would like to enable a Pilot Feature or explore if the Preview Channel is right for you, contact Nimble AMS support. 

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