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Nimble Design Guidelines

Nimble Design Guidelines extend the Salesforce Lightning Design Guidelines by providing recommendations for naming, configuring, and managing data and metadata in Nimble AMS. It is built off of the same principles of clarity, efficiency, consistency, and beauty.


Adherence to design guidelines in Nimble AMS ensures a clear, efficient, consistent, and beautiful user experience. For example, Administrators can refer to these guidelines when creating or editing components in Staff View or Community Hub to ensure both staff and constituents have a great user experience.

These standards prioritize competing design principles to ensure that an effective user experience is clearly defined and consistently configured throughout Nimble AMS.

The variety of interfaces makes adherence to standards very important. For example, if Maria Gomez, a membership staff user, is looking for a specific membership record, she has several ways to find and view it:

  • A global search displays the membership in the Search Results search layout.
  • The Memberships tab displays the membership in the Tab search layout and in list views. 
  • The related account record displays the membership in the Memberships related list.

A well-configured org consistently displays the same fields, in the same order, in all of these layouts. Regardless of the method Maria uses to access a membership record, she experiences a concise, familiar user experience.

Administrators also benefit from an org that adheres to these design guidelines because it is easier to maintain components which have been clearly and consistently named and configured.


The Nimble AMS Design Guidelines are guided by the four Salesforce Lightning Design Principles, which are, by order of importance: (1) Clarity, (2) Efficiency, (3) Consistency, and (4) Beauty.


Salesforce Design Principle

Example of How it Applies to Nimble AMS


Name components clearly. In layouts, include fields that most clearly identify a record.

2EfficiencyKeep names brief to minimize reading without sacrificing clarity. In layouts, rank fields by importance to reduce clicks.

Configure components within an object as similarly as possible. Globally, configure components across all objects as similarly as possible. Consistency cannot sacrifice clarity nor efficiency.


Generally, the Salesforce platform or the Community Hub theme determines the final presentation of the user interface, but some components can be configured to be more visually pleasing.

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